03 - 8736 8277 / 012 - 223 6176 chkindi@gmail.com
The “Absorbent Mind”

The “Absorbent Mind”

“Our work is not to teach, but to help the absorbent mind in its development work. How marvellous it would be if by our help, if by an intelligent treatment of the child if by understanding the needs of his physical life and by feeding his intellect, we could prolong the period of functioning of the absorbent mind!” – Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind


The Coloured Globe and the World Map

The Coloured Globe and the World Map

While singing the continents song, the kids will identify continents with a specific colour representing each continent.

They noticed the continents on the Coloured Globe and the World Map are the same colours, giving the child that ‘aha’ moment of recognition.

In a Montessori classroom, we bring the world to the children through real-life experiences.

Montessori and Chinese New Year 2022 Year of the Tiger

Montessori and Chinese New Year 2022 Year of the Tiger

If we are to preserve culture, we must continue to create it.

As Chinese New Year is approaching, children were exposed to some traditional activities.

From calligraphy, paper cutouts, and decorating…children were introduced to the meaning behind each item and things they did during the process.

As 2022 is the year of Tiger, we wish everyone to stay strong and healthy like a tiger!