Sophie Lee, the Principal Director and Advisor of Green Meadows Montessori Primary School and Country Heights Kindergarten, Kajang, has a 24 years of solid professional working experience in the field of Early Childhood Care and Education. Driven by her strong passion for early childhood education, she has managed and taught at numerous preschools in Taiwan and Malaysia after completed her teaching practice in USA and Australia.
On top of being an early childhood educator, Sophie is also the Director and Author at Gu Ru Ku Hornbill Publisher. She has been a Columnist on Child Development at Jiao Zong, Subsidiary Magazine of “Hai Zi”. Recently, she was appointed as the Industrial Advisor of “Diploma in Early Childhood Education” at New Era College University, Kajang. Kuala Lumpur。
Sophie Lee’s professional background:
- Bachelor of Art, major in Philosophy and minor in Chinese Literacy at National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
- Master degree in Early childhood Education at Madonna University (USA)
- Montessori Teaching Diploma (3-6) from MWEI (USA)
- Certified Practitioner on Sex Education from Shu-Te University Graduate School of Human Sexuality (Taiwan)
李淑仪拥有廿三年在蒙特梭利幼儿教育领域的教学与管理的经验,她曾在台湾,马来西亚的教室任教,也曾在美国与澳洲实习。2012年她被马来西亚 吉隆坡加影新纪元学院委任为幼儿教育系的业界顾问,马来西亚教师总会旗下教育杂志<孩子>专栏作家之一。她曾受访于马来西亚多家电视台及电台。
李淑仪毕业于台湾大学哲学辅中文系,美国圣母大学幼儿教育管理。她拥有的专业教师文憑 为美国 MWEI 蒙特梭利(3-6岁)教师执照,曾修读中华民国 台湾 幼儿教育改革研究会 中文蒙特梭利课程。台湾树德大学性教育研究所颁发的合格性教育指导老师。