Three essential skills children should learn. 什么是这个时代最值得培养孩子具有的能力?
Before you read on this blog post, take a moment to ask yourself – how prepared is your child to face tomorrow’s world?
We were all educated in a school system that believed the world would remain basically the same, with small changes here and there. We learned knowledge, sat in exams after exams, and trained with skill set that may not have prepared us well enough to adapt to the era of technology.
And that’s fine, because we had no idea what the world had in store for us. Sometimes I ask myself, what would I do differently if I didn’t have to spend so much time and energy to sit in exams? What should I learn to adapt, deal with changes, to be prepared for anything but not learning anything specific?
As an educator and a mother of two, I believe that if our children are equipped with these essential skills, our children will be strong individuals to welcome tomorrow’s never stop changing world.
Being passionate about life,Curious and eager to learn, unlearn and relearn.
Be brave to step out of comfort zone to learn new knowledge, skill set to do extraordinary things in life.
Be brave to face own fears and persevere to achieve goals. It is an ability to feeling fear yet choose to act; persevering in the face of adversity; standing up for what’s right; learn, unlearn and relearn to stay current and get ahead.
Despite popular belief that happiness depends solely on you, the way to achieve it may not lie just within yourself, but in your relationships and interactions with others. We all think we want to be loved, but what actually feels good to us is feeling loving — and part of what makes us feel more love for other people is doing kind, compassionate things for them.
Let’s do some reflection:
Competence and attitude, which is more important to lead to happiness in life?
Are your children achieving good academic results at the expense of their opportunities to practice and learn these essential skills?
Remember, Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Your children’s happiness and success should not be judged by how early he can name all the countries in the world, but what difference can he make for the world.
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