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Three essential skills children should learn.     什么是这个时代最值得培养孩子具有的能力?

Three essential skills children should learn. 什么是这个时代最值得培养孩子具有的能力?

Before you read on this blog post, take a moment to ask yourself – how prepared is your child to face tomorrow’s world?

We were all educated in a school system that believed the world would remain basically the same, with small changes here and there. We learned knowledge, sat in exams after exams, and trained with skill set that may not have prepared us well enough to adapt to the era of technology. 
And that’s fine, because we had no idea what the world had in store for us. Sometimes I ask myself, what would I do differently if I didn’t have to spend so much time and energy to sit in exams? What should I learn to adapt, deal with changes, to be prepared for anything but not learning anything specific?

As an educator and a mother of two, I believe that if our children are equipped with these essential skills, our children will be strong individuals to welcome tomorrow’s never stop changing world.

Being passionate about life,Curious and eager to learn, unlearn and relearn. 

Be brave to step out of comfort zone to learn new knowledge, skill set to do extraordinary things in life.


Be brave to face own fears and persevere to achieve goals. It is an ability to feeling fear yet choose to act; persevering in the face of adversity; standing up for what’s right; learn, unlearn and relearn to stay current and get ahead. 


Despite popular belief that happiness depends solely on you, the way to achieve it may not lie just within yourself, but in your relationships and interactions with others. We all think we want to be loved, but what actually feels good to us is feeling loving — and part of what makes us feel more love for other people is doing kind, compassionate things for them.

Let’s do some reflection:
Competence and attitude, which is more important to lead to happiness in life? 

Are your children achieving good academic results at the expense of their opportunities to practice and learn these essential skills?

Remember, Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Your children’s happiness and success should not be judged by how early he can name all the countries in the world, but what difference can he make for the world.













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Is baby walker a necessity for a child to learn walking?              学步车真的可以在孩子一岁学习走路时,学到怎么迈开他的人生第一个步伐吗?

Is baby walker a necessity for a child to learn walking?              学步车真的可以在孩子一岁学习走路时,学到怎么迈开他的人生第一个步伐吗?

Is baby walker a necessity for a child to learn walking?

My nephew received a baby walker as a newborn gift. This baby walker is equipped with various fun and colorful parts of alphabets, shapes and even nursery rhymes. It’s such a beautiful gift that even adults want to play with it.

But I told my sister she should think twice before letting my nephew to learn walking with a baby walker.

Here’s my view…

Many people would think that baby walker is convenient and safe, safe in a sense that a toddler can move freely and learn walking without physical support of adults.

If you take a closer look at how a baby walker works, you will see that when a toddler walks with a baby walker, the toddler does not control and coordinate his body, hands and legs when he’s moving with a baby walker. The toddler does not get to feel how leaning forward and backward can affect his movement. 

Just because baby walker is convenient and mobile, a toddler is then exposed to even more risks of injury, such as falling onto hard surfaces, usually down steps or across changes in floor level, burns and scalds as a result of toddler gaining access to hot beverages and electrical appliances (e.g. kettles, heaters and ovens), choking from toys or play equipment attachments that come off easily.

Still not convinced by these points? Let’s look at some facts and data from America and Canada for you to consider if you’re still thinking “Should I get one for my toddler?”

An annual average of 23,000 baby walker caused incidents happened from 1990-1994

A rough 197200 baby walker caused incidents requiring medical attention involving toddlers below 15 months old happened from 1990-2001

Canadian government banned the sales and use of baby walker since 2004

Reality is, baby walker doesn’t train a toddler to walk. It is a misconception that the use of baby walkers helping to develop children’s walking skills. Numerous research have shown the opposite, over dependency on baby walker delays a toddler in achieving normal locomotor milestones, such as crawling, standing alone and walking. In severe cases, it will also cause atypical walking pattern due to poorly developed bone structures and weak leg muscles.

Children naturally develop their walking skills through rolling, sitting and crawling as they build stronger muscles in different stages of physical development. Placing your child on the floor is the best way to train their muscles and naturally develop these locomotor skills. As they master these skills, it will also develop their balance and coordination, both very important skills for when they start to walk. 

“Everyone falls down, getting back up is how you learn how to walk” – Walt Disney.







1990-1994年, 美国平均每年发生23000 例学步车相关的伤害。







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EQ Parental Sharing on 11 July 2017

Emotional intelligence is “being smarter with feeling”

EQ is a powerful set of learnable skills that can help us to become more aware, make better choice , and be more purposeful in our parenting.

I am going to share a topic on Developing & Managing Emotional Intelligence, an interactive sharing session to give you some insights on how to manage conflicts, negotiation and communication with your children.

Parents learn emotional intelligence skills to increase :

  • Peace & collaboration
  • Balance & calm
  • Purpose & meaning

In this sharing , you will be introduced to the concept of “parenting with emotional intelligence ” why it’s important in parenting , and learn some simple techniques to practice EQ with your families.

Date : 11th July 2017

Time: 10.00am – 12.00noon.

Venue: Green Meadows Montessori Sdn Bhd,

No.55, Jalan SL 4/3, Bandar Sungai Long,43200 Cheras, Selangor.


 Facebook Event Invitation Eq & Life Y2017 情商与人生


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