by Sophie Lee 李淑儀 | Aug 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
☘Our biennial charity bazaar has successfully ended! We managed to sponsor a trip to Kuala Lumpur’s Kids Zania, fulfilling the dreams of many children from the Seremban Pediatric Hospital. Moreover, the fund-raising event for Adik Alzriannalyn’s cardiac surgery was a success!☘
We would like to extend our utmost gratitude to all the kind people who has contributed funds or have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this event a success.
☘Here is a list of people we would like say thank you to, in no particular order ❤
Parents and volunteers who sponsors of food, drinks and services…:
Mr & Mrs Tang Ngai Keen,
Mr & Mrs Tan Chor Keng ,
Encik Muhammod Asif Bin Ahmad Bashir & Puan Wan Shazatul Aiza Binti Wan Mohd Faisal ,
Mr & Mrs Adrian Seow Kok Kuan ,
Encik Ahmad Aiman & Puan Noor Atiyah Binti Azmi
Encik Kamarul Jalal Bin Abdul Jolil Puan Faridah Hani
Mr & Mrs Tee Qun Shun
Mr & Mrs Lee Keat Ming
Mr & Mrs Lim Nai Hong
Mr & Mrs Lou Eng Hoi
Mr & Mrs Dr. Vigneshwara. Kumarashwaran
Mr & Mrs Poon Yew Hoong
Mr & Mrs Lai Siew Kiw
Encik Hasbie Bin Satar & Puan Roshana Alma
Mr & Mrs Tan Zhen Fei
Mr & Mrs Devendran A/L Sugumaran Mr & Mrs Tee Seng Yik
Lee Shig Poh
Lee Shik Chen
Lee Shik Hong
Lee Sook Ann
Lee Ban Ban
Lee Cin Cin
Madam Irene Lau Xigo Wei
Mr. Alvin Victor Madam
Low Chin Chin,
⭐BMS Organic Group
Mr Terry Lee, Ms Tan Bee Lang (TSP alumni) contributed boxes of organic food
⭐Cziplee Books & Stationary
Mr Chan contributed three hampers
⭐DF Pharmacy
Jeff Kong, Rachelle (TSP alumni) contributed their original and uniquely-flavoured coconut milk coffee
⭐The Lee sisters contributed satay, coffee, nasi lemak, spring rolls etc.
🙏We would like to also thank the highly-skilled Dr David and his team for taking care of our parents and their family.🙏
⭐⭐Professional videographers Irene, Esther Tan and Gras Chin for recording the highlights of the event ❤❤❤
⭐⭐⭐Mr & Mrs Lee Keat Ming, Annie and Mr & Mrs Tee Qun Shun and Hui Mann’s family for designing the game booths. The children were overjoyed playing these games!
🎸🎸🎼🎼 Professional guitarist Mr Alvin accompanied by his father, for creating a joyful atmosphere with their groovy tunes… 🎸🎸🎼🎼
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Our charismatic MC, for tirelessly hosting for 4 hours. Thank you Ms Janet Ng Hui Kian for volunteering.
🎊🎉🎊Our cheerful Mr. Clown, for entertaining the children by transforming balloons into wonderful flowers, animals and magical swords!
🐡🐠🐟Activities like catching fish by the river, blowing soap bubbles and watching dragonflies brought back many wonderful childhood memories to the adults at the event!⭐❤
The St John team played an important role, caring for and providing first aid to any child who got hurt.
🛴🛴🛴❤The lucky prize draw was also very well-received. The children all cheered, hoping they were the lucky one to own their very own puss bike. 🛴🛴🛴❤
🎈🎈We would also like to thank the diligent teachers from Tadika Sri Puncak, bachelor students from New Era University College, teachers-in-training from Taiwan’s Shu-Te University, the Rela team lead by David to direct traffic and Lee Vian , Leeny, for their dedication in making this event a success.
☘☘Last but not least, our volunteers who worked hard behind the scenes:
1. Choo Fui Yee
2. Cheng Hooi Xing
3. Siang Shi Ting
4. Fong Yin Shuang
5. Leong Chun Hao
6. Yong Qian Hua
7. Tong Xian Ying
8. Tai Zhi Chin
9. Goh Lee Vian
10. GohLeeny
11.Chang Yaw Shiuan
12. Wang,Yu-Fen
13. Huang,Man-Ling
14. Lin,Yu-Jin
15. Li,Jie-Yu
16. HoZhongYi
17. Hoyouyou
18. HazelBehYee-Leng
❤❤❤Thank you all❤❤❤
☘️两年一度的义买筹款,资助芙蓉医院儿科小朋友圆夢,组团到吉隆坡Kids Zania 旅游及为一岁心脏有孔的小病人Adik Alzriannalyn 的手术费!圆满落幕!☘️
谢谢所有台前幕后的善心人士,出钱出力、流汗耗体力, 成就了再一次的美好回忆。
Mr & Mrs Tang Ngai Keen,
Mr & Mrs Tan Chor Keng ,
Encik Muhammod Asif Bin Ahmad Bashir & Puan Wan Shazatul Aiza Binti Wan Mohd Faisal ,
Mr & Mrs Adrian Seow Kok Kuan ,
Encik Ahmad Aiman & Puan Noor Atiyah Binti Azmi
Encik Kamarul Jalal Bin Abdul Jolil Puan Faridah Hani
Mr & Mrs Tee Qun Shun
Mr & Mrs Lee Keat Ming
Mr & Mrs Lim Nai Hong
Mr & Mrs Lou Eng Hoi
Mr & Mrs Dr. Vigneshwara. Kumarashwaran
Mr & Mrs Poon Yew Hoong
Mr & Mrs Lai Siew Kiw
Encik Hasbie Bin Satar & Puan Roshana Alma
Mr & Mrs Tan Zhen Fei
Mr & Mrs Devendran A/L Sugumaran Mr & Mrs Tee Seng Yik
Lee Shig Poh
Lee Shik Chen
Lee Shik Hong
Lee Sook Ann
Lee Ban Ban
Lee Cin Cin
Madam Irene Lau Xigo Wei
Mr. Alvin Victor Madam
Low Chin Chin ,
⭐️BMS Organic 集团前家长Mr Terry Lee ,Ms Tan Bee Lang 报効多箱的有机食品、 Cziplee Books & Stationary文具公司Mr Chan 报効三份礼篮, 东峰前家长DF Pharmacy : Jeff Kong , Rachelle 报効特别口味的原创椰奶咖啡,李氏姐妹报効的沙爹、咖啡、Nasi Lemak、春卷等等……甚至漏雨招集闺蜜们剥橙皮……
⭐️⭐️专场攝影 Irene 、Esther tan 、Gras Chin 捕捉 现场精彩片断气氛❤️❤️❤️
⭐️⭐️⭐️设计游戏摊位的 Mr & Mrs Lee Keat Ming ,Annie 及 Mr & Mrs Tee Qun Shun,Hui Mann 家人,让现场的小朋友玩游戏、流连忘返,不亦乐乎……
🎸🎸🎼🎼专业吉打手Mr Alvin 父子拍档,让全场热了起来,载歌载舞,欢乐连连……🎸🎸🎼🎼
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️滔滔不绝的主持人,尽责的连续四小时执行任务而毫无倦意,感谢Ms Janet Ng hui kian的义工服务。
St John 的团队也及时派上用场,为受轻伤的小朋友嘘寒问暖、受伤的膝盖敷药。
🛴🛴🛴❤️高高潮迭起的幸运抽奖也掀起了一阵又一阵的欢乐声,圆了小朋友的梦想,拥有Puss bike 🛴🛴❤️
🎈🎈Tadika Sri Puncak 的尽责团队老师、新纪元大学学士班的学生、台湾树德科技大学海外实习老师、堂弟David所领导Rela 指挥交通、当天生曰的Lee Vian妹妹Leeny的认真服务。🎈🎈
1. Choo Fui Yee
2. Cheng Hooi Xing
3. Siang Shi Ting
4. Fong Yin Shuang
5. Leong Chun Hao
6. Yong Qian Hua
7. Tong Xian Ying
8. Tai Zhi Chin
9. Goh Lee Vian
10. GohLeeny
11.Chang Yaw Shiuan
12. Wang,Yu-Fen
13. Huang,Man-Ling
14. Lin,Yu-Jin
15. Li,Jie-Yu
16. HoZhongYi
17. Hoyouyou
18. HazelBehYee-Leng
by Sophie Lee 李淑儀 | Jul 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
2017年12月1日,韩国高丽大学的神经放射学教授Hyung Suk Seo在芝加哥北美放射学会年会上公布,
每天给孩子30分钟的专注陪伴,要心无旁骛的倾听、交流。 大部分孩子是有父母的孤儿,尽管有父母陪伴在身边,但却没有认同、没有理解、没有传递能量给孩子。
by Sophie Lee 李淑儀 | Jul 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
☘️2017年5月10日,由逾百所美国顶尖私立高中组成的联盟Mastery Transcript Consortium(MTC)正式推出了一个全新的学生评价体系——A New Model,和美国高中传统的成绩单相比,它不打分,不评级,只是持续追踪、记录、评估学生共8大能力,目前已获美国大学申请系统Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success(CAAS)的支持。
使用 CAAS 申请系统的学校包括哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学、哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、康奈尔大学、达特茅斯学院、杜克大学、密歇根大学等80余所美国著名高校。

A New Model抛弃了传统的A-F评分制,专注考核共8大能力,这8大能力,又被细分为61种更加具体的能力:
⭐️1、Analytical and Creative Thinking
Identify, manage and address complex problems
Detect bias, and distinguish between reliable and unsound information
Control information overload
Formulate meaningful questions
Analyze and create ideas and knowledge
Use trial and error; devise and test solutions to problems
Imagine alternatives
Develop cross-disciplinary knowledge and perspectives
Engage in sustained reasoning
Synthesize and adapt
Solve new problems that don’t have rule-based solutions
Use knowledge and creativity to solve complex “real-world” problems
⭐️2、Complex Communication — Oral and Written
☘️a、理解并使用 2 种及以上语言
Understand and express ideas in two or more languages
Communicate clearly to diverse audiences
Listen attentively
Speak effectively
Write clearly and concisely—for a variety of audiences
Explain information and compellingly persuade others of its implications
⭐️3、Leadership and Teamwork
Initiate new ideas
Lead through in influence
Build trust, resolve conflicts, and provide support for others
Facilitate group discussions, forge consensus, and negotiate outcomes
☘️e. 成为别人的老师、教练、顾问
Teach, coach and counsel others
Enlist help
Collaborate tasks, manage groups, and delegate responsibilities
Implement decisions and meet goals i. Share the credit
Share the credit
⭐️4、Digital and Quantitative Literacy
Understand, use, and apply digital technologies
Create digital knowledge and media
Use multimedia resources to communicate ideas effectively in a variety of forms
Master and use higher-level mathematics
Understand traditional and emerging topics in math, science, and technology, environmental sciences, robotics, fractals, cellular automata, nanotechnology, and biotechnology
⭐️5、Global Perspective
Develop open-mindedness, particularly regarding the values, traditions of others
Understand non-western history, politics, religion and culture
Develop facility with one or more international languages
Use technology to connect with people and events globally
Develop social and intellectual skills to navigate effectively across cultures
Use 21st century skills to understand and address global issues
Learn from, and work collaboratively with, individuals from diverse cultures, religions, and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue
Leverage social and cultural differences to create new ideas and achieve success
⭐️6、Adaptability, Initiative, and Risk-Taking
Develop flexibility, agility, and adaptability
Bring a sense of courage to unfamiliar situations
Explore and experiment
Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities
View failure as an opportunity to learn, and acknowledge that innovation involves small successes and frequent mistakes
Cultivate an independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies
Develop entrepreneurial literacy
⭐️7、Integrity and Ethical Decision-Making
Sustain an empathetic and compassionate outlook
Foster integrity, honesty, fairness and respect
Exhibit moral courage in confronting unjust situations
Act responsibly, with the interests and well-being of the larger community in mind
Develop a fundamental understanding of emerging ethical issues and dilemmas regarding new media and technologies
Make reasoned and ethical decisions in response to complex problems
8、Habits of Mind
Love of Learning/Curiosity
Stress Management
Time Management