The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! After months of hard work, our graduates are ready to shine.
We celebrated our 33rd Graduation Concert and it was a delightful success! The event was bursting with colour and joy. The children performed their dances with energy and confidence, truly bringing the theme, “Rhythm of the Rainforest”
Our teachers created a rich environment to nourish the children’s minds, just like a buffet of choices for them to explore. Here are some fun highlights from the theme:
Deer: Graceful movement.
Elephant: A majestic presence.
Snake: Cautious and aware of its surroundings.
Leopard: Fiercely independent and confident, always standing up for what’s right.
Squirrel: Quick movement and witty.
Monkey: Intelligent and a great problem-solver.
Butterfly: A symbol of beauty and grace.
Hornbill: A social creature & work well with others.
It was a day to remember, celebrating our amazing children and the vibrant community we’ve built together!
A huge thank you to all the parents for your amazing support in helping them grow. And to our graduates, we hope today is a fun celebration of all your achievements and a memory you’ll cherish for years to come. Enjoy your special day!