03 - 8736 8277 / 012 - 223 6176 chkindi@gmail.com

Physical activity has lots of health benefits for children.


1. Strengthens children’s bones, muscles, hearts and lungs.

2. Improves children’s coordination, balance, posture and flexibility.

3. Helps children stay at a healthy weight.

Physical activity also boosts children’s well-being. For example, active children are more likely to:

a. Be confident and feel like they belong.

b. Be relaxed and sleep well.

c. Concentrate better at school.

d. Get along with others and make friends quickly.

e. Share, take turns and cooperate.

Jumping rope is also an excellent motor skill-building activity. Since kids have to pick up their feet simultaneously while jumping rope, it builds bilateral motor coordination. Jumping rope for beginners also takes a lot of concentration, which helps kids hone their ability to focus.

Swinging forward with their legs tucked up helps children improve and develop the correct posture. They will also improve body strength at the same time. In the meantime, they also train to attain complete control over their balance and hand-eye coordination.