03 - 8736 8277 / 012 - 223 6176 chkindi@gmail.com
Science Experiment: Floating and bouncing eggs.

Science Experiment: Floating and bouncing eggs.

The floating egg experiment is a great way to introduce density to the kids.

Bouncing Eggs Experiment.

Place the egg in the glass and add vinegar to cover. Please leave it to soak overnight, and then look at the egg.

You may need to leave the egg for three days or more. Eventually, the eggshell will dissolve completely.

Look! It is bouncing.

Science Camp: Simple Machines

Science Camp: Simple Machines

Day 4: Simple Machines

Simple machines are all around us and help make our work easier. Simple machines have always fascinated kids. They love to build them and explore them. It is more fun when you have something to lift with your pulley. We placed a couple of marbles, chickpeas and a toy car in ours.

A pulley is a simple machine that is used to lift objects. We made our pulley today. It works.

We tried an experiment to show how levers work. We experimented with how moving the fulcrum (the tension point in the middle of the plane) made lifting the book either more challenging or easier, depending on how you moved it—having the fulcrum closest to the object, lifting made it almost effortless.

Science Camp: Chemistry Experiments

Science Camp: Chemistry Experiments

School holidays are here!

Day 1: Chemistry

Our Little Scientist kick starts today with the apple browning experiment.

Teacher, even it is brown, we still can eat the apples, right? – asked our little scientist.

Correct. We can still eat the apple, dear.

Teacher, when we cut an apple into slices, the enzymes in the apple react with the oxygen in the air – another little scientist responded.

Great job, my Little Scientist.

Salt Painting Science Experiment is fun to combine art and science. It is also a visual and hands-on way for children to learn about absorption by transforming their white glue drawings into colourful designs.