03 - 8736 8277 / 012 - 223 6176 chkindi@gmail.com
Developing Mathematical Skills through Sensory and Hands-On Learning

Developing Mathematical Skills through Sensory and Hands-On Learning

This system in which a child is constantly moving object; with his hands and actively exercising his senses, also takes into account a child’s special aptitude for mathematics. When they leave the material, the children very easily reach the point where they wish to write out the operation. They thus carry out an abstract mental operation and acquire a kind of natural and spontaneous inclination for mental calculations.

The first school outing in 2024!!!

The first school outing in 2024!!!

As the saying goes,

It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.. but for me, why don’t we do both when we can?

Yes, no doubt that reading and learning from paper materials is how we learn in most time of our lives, but outing is important as looking at the paper materials as the real experience helps human beings to build concrete memory about what they have been looking at 👀👀

How to foster confidence in writing among young children?

How to foster confidence in writing among young children?

People have great thoughts or ideas, but it’s always not an easy task to project our own thoughts verbally or even through words…why?? Perhaps a person was being pointed when he was trying to express himself…

In a Montessori classroom, we always open up a topic for children to talk about it, anything!!! Children will not be pointed if the statement they make is right or wrong, including the self exploration and the writing which comes in later after they are able to express themselves.

When children have confidence, the drive to self learning and exploring will go further, and thus making learning is joyful.

Are children able to learn in a mixed-age environment?

Are children able to learn in a mixed-age environment?

Are children able to learn in a mixed-age environment🤔?

In Montessori, children of different ages learn together in the same classroom. This promotes collaboration, social skills, empathy, and the sharing of knowledge. Older children become mentors to younger ones, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect.