Tips for parents – Chinese New Year
Do you get a little panic when your friends or relatives give food to your little ones without asking for your consent? In my opinion, I would say it is absolutely acceptable to politely remind your friends and relatives about your little ones' food allergies and your...
学龄前孩子在新年期间,听到舞狮团敲锣打鼓!由于年纪小,小朋友即害怕又期待,想看又紧张!五味杂成的心情,爸爸妈妈了解吗? 这些年的观察与体验,看到小朋友紧张地观察这个庞然大物,不知所措……终于嚇哭的心情! 于是我们设计课程,首先介绍狮头的各部分名称: 从会贬的眼睛开始摸,再看到两眼中间的独角,大大的嘴巴可以伸出手来分享橘子🍊或者金币,再沿着狮子的身体摸到狮尾,感受一片一片的鳞片。...
A PEAK INSIDE THE MONTESSORI CLASSROOM: How can children learn in a mixed-aged classroom? Would it be rather difficult for a teacher to take care of my child’s learning progress in the classroom? I couldn’t imagine how can my child learn better in a classroom...
新年育儿锦囊之二 : 饮食篇
过年期间带小朋友参加各种饭局聚会,难免会有亲戚朋友把各种能吃的不能吃的都往自己家的小朋友嘴里塞。需知小朋友还小,有的东西不能吃,有的会过敏,有的消化不了。我的经验是,提前打招呼,温和且坚定地告亲戚朋友不要给孩子吃东西,当然还是无法避免一些亲戚继续无所谓、依然故我地喂,爸爸妈妈要做的就是时刻盯紧,看到他们忍不住与孩子分享时,当场制止。 以下食物逢年过节家中常备,成人过年解馋的零食,却不能喂小宝宝吃!对孩子的健康造成威胁,父母应时刻警惕孩子误食和亲戚喂食。 1、话梅、蜜饯:...
Tips for parents – 新年育儿锦囊之一 : 害羞篇
Chinese New Year is around the corner. Family and friends gathering is a highlight of CNY. Have you ever encountered a situation where your little one is too shy to greet uncles and aunties during the gathering? Then, you would probably feeling embarrassed and...
在一个混龄的环境里,三至六岁的孩子互相观摩学习,老师允许孩子自由、自发地去寻找当天他计划要做的工作,老师则在旁边做观察、分析孩子的性向、能力、社交状况、自信……等。 若孩子是正向、主动地,一个接一个工作,忙碌的游走于教具与同侪之间,无形中他就发挥了领导的能力,除了安排自己,同时安排比他更小的小朋友,引导小小孩正向地学习。自信、计划、领导、创意、组合等纵合能力,因此而养成。 如果小孩尚未进入正常化的工作状况,没有目标性的游走、呆坐、甚至打扰别人,这时候蒙特梭利教师将会介入,引导甚至指定某孩子必须完成工作。...
这应该是我看过最了解孩子的解读~ 苏小妹老师是一个经验丰富的蒙特梭利人,这么多年长久的接触,苏老师常常引导我、啟示我、让我看清了小朋友发展中重要的契机,并试着去同理孩子的成长。她是我生命中重要的领航人。 这一回让我触动的是:小朋友不肯上幼儿园原因太复杂了!其中一个而让我豁然开朗的原因竟然是,小朋友对空间的压迫、恐惧与无奈!甚至包括气味、温度及一大群尚未成为朋友的陌生人! 请细听蒙特梭利专家苏小妹老师的见解。
The beauty of Practical Life Exercise 曰常生活练习之美与实践。by Woan Tyng
Psychologists have argued that childhood is a natural phase of growing up. Indeed, Maria Montessori believed that children are innately preparing to be adults. She further stated that parents and teachers needed to provide a strong foundation of skills and work habits...
Y2017 Year end training 自我增值 by Jess Liew
每到学校年终假期,就是绿野与绿茵的导师们做自我增值的培训时刻。 今年,资深导师们轮流呈现经过经验累积、应该知识、针对不同学生需要而设计五大区域课綱,透过精心准备的PPT,分享蒙特梭利教育理念。 让大家一起温故知新。 每年,我们都会有至少两次的温习和讨论。往年,得到不同背景导师们的教导,有来自印度的导师、本地的资深导师、台湾导师或来自网上的资料等……甚至赴台湾、印度与中国考察及上课。让我们不断温故知新。 蒙氏教育理念虽然一样,五大区域包括日常生活体验、感官教材、数学,可是在操作教具的方式却有所不同。...
Y2017 School Holiday Program: Little Chefs by Hui Munn
Like many parents, one of the biggest headaches I have when kids are on school holiday is how to keep them busy constructively. And like many parents (like you), my head hurts when my daughter beg me 300 times a day to let her watch TV/play iPad, and only parents...
Perseverance: Our Jungle Trekking Story
Some said perseverance is natural born and some said it is an acquired skill. My take on this topic is, perseverance is an acquired skill, it is a skill that can be learned and mastered to overcome self limiting factors to achieve a goal. It can and should...
Story Telling… What do you know about sea turtles?
Sharing the story of sea turtles with my lovely children.
2017 3rd Montessori Forum, SEGI University, Malaysia
In the recent 3rd Montessori Forum held in SEGI University, Malaysia, Lee Shi Hua was invited to share her Montessori experience in Tadika Sri Puncak and Green Meadows Montessori. We also had the opportunity to know Matt Bronsil (USA), Jan Gaffney (New...
When God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window………艺术、童趣…. 另一囗窗!
I recently attended an talk on "Understanding Art Therapy" given by Dr. Liu Wei-Ping, she is a subject matter expert in Special Education. In this sharing session, we were taught the basics of interpreting children's intelligence level through drawing, the shared...
大部分人都有考试恐惧症候群,如何不考试也可以让孩子确实学得到? 如何奠下基础工? 在练习曰常生活中掌握洒扫应对进退的分寸? 小小朋友在怎样的情况下是具有学习动力的?从中享受学习、且会在学习的过程中更深入的去研究,与其多说,领着去体验才有价值。 歸纳出小朋友自己的学习方法,是自己动手做之后,一再练习,调整、……慢慢地掌握技巧、熟练!这与一而再,再而三地地口头,课堂上耳提面命的脚还不如让他们自己下手做。 ...
Why is Practical Life such an important element in Montessori education?
What do children learn from cooking? Why is Practical Life such an important element in Montessori education? Why do rice turns soft when it’s cooked? Why muffins rise? Come and think about it – cooking is a life science lesson, and you don’t actually have to teach...
Knobbed Cylinders – Memory Activity 带插座圆柱体-记忆性活动
Written By Jess Liew Knobbed Cylinders, a Montessori sensorial material that helps a child to cultivate a sense of order, self correction and refine the pincer grasp. This child is placing a matching cylinder into the hole of the block,...
Three essential skills children should learn. 什么是这个时代最值得培养孩子具有的能力?
Before you read on this blog post, take a moment to ask yourself – how prepared is your child to face tomorrow’s world? We were all educated in a school system that believed the world would remain basically the same, with small changes here and there. We learned...
Understanding Art Therapy
Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Art therapy has been shown to benefit people of all ages, including young children. Research indicates art...
传统的观念,关于女红、缝纫是女生必要掌握的一门手艺。 记得不久前去参观Baba Nyonya 博物馆,还特别强调如果少女缝纫功夫不好,就嫁不出去! 还记得廿几年在台湾第一次进蒙特梭利教室,看到一个小男生的缝工比任何人都要好!不禁叹为观止! 所谓心灵手巧,当孩子的手灵活了,那么他的思维也就自然灵活了。 怎么才能够提高孩子的动手能力呢? 教室内,我们设计了很多工作,抓住孩子的好奇心,给于孩子们充分的学习机会,让他们一而再、再而三地重复练习!顺序渐进的掌握精细的动作,进而引发他们对多方面的学习兴趣。 至于如何提高动手能力的方法?...