Gardening Helps Children Bloom
Children can be all thumbs at times, but we can nurture their green thumbs by making gardening fun, getting their input on the garden spot, and planting their favourite trees. Our little gardeners with their healthy growing sunflowers! "Every child is a different kind...
Explore to Nature
喜欢亲近大自然 探索这本丰富、奥妙的书。 陪伴小朋友们细细的翻阅 探索并发现令人惊喜不已的场域。 万里晴空 映出蔚兰的天空 一群小诗人们围在河边边吟唱 早晨温馨的阳光照耀 翠绿的树叶闪闪发光 云雀从天空很高很高处飞过 我低头,一片阴影落在肩头 五只公鹅,两只母鹅 伴随一窝鹅蛋 期待新成员于春天加入鹅之家 稚嫩的诗人啊 吟唱着对和薰大地的喜爱。 吟唱着微风吹拂的渴望 天空如此蔚蓝 树梢似乎遥不可及, 一步一脚印的傲然长啸 一层一层的触摸未知的话语 仿佛这世界本就在我们脚下 哪里会有什么困难呢? 至于汗水, 那又算得了什么呢?...
Montessori Learning Principles of CCIO
There is nothing better than training the kids from a young age to look after their clothes. Folding socks and clothes are a practical life activity for children that aims to develop concentration, coordination, independence and order. The folding socks activity also...
Montessori Practical Life Activities to Use in the Home During the Pandemic
With children and families spending most of their time at home in our current crisis, this could be an opportunity to help children develop some of these life skills. 1. Peeling the carrot. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of the diet for children. They...
The Project to Help Children Gain Some Confidence.
Scrapbooking is a great way to create something unique and keep it with us for the rest of our lives. We scrapbook everything about the leaf we learned for the past four weeks during our Culture online. Scrapbooking is a favourite pastime amongst kids worldwide...
Helping with Household Chores Can Transform Your Child!
Kids who do chores learn responsibility and gain important life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. Chores were the best predictor of which kids were more likely to become happy, healthy, independent adults. Doing chores also helps kids feel like...
Sensory Exploration
Children's sensory exploration through touch alone and using a blindfold is the way to do it. They experienced pairing and sorting various surfaces using only their little hands! Which was challenging at first, but they were excited to try and finally succeeded!...
Practical Life Activity at Home: Making a Breakfast
"… in every child is the seed that will mature into an adult.” —The Theosophist, Maria Montessori The thought of having a toddler or preschool-aged child help prepare breakfast can seem overwhelming or colossally messy, but it can work well when you teach children how...
Craft Projects from Recycle Materials
Some of our all-time favourite craft projects are born from recycling or re-purposing materials and we do it as often as we can! This week's activity is making boats! Concentration and practice are the keys to success. Besides, the art classes inspire seeing...
Learning Mathematics in Montessori
In introducing mathematical concepts, real and tangible objects make it easier for young children to grasp new concepts when they can touch, see, and experience them with physical rods, counters, golden beads, etc. Let's tell time! And if not now, when? The sundial...
Why Sensorial Work is Important?
Sensorial activities are used in Montessori learning to help children in discrimination and order. They also help broaden and refine a child’s senses. When a child combines Montessori designed materials with sensorial work, it helps them become more logical,...
Montessori Cultural Activity
“Culture and education have no bounds or limits; now man is in a phase in which he must decide for himself how far he can proceed in the culture that belongs to the whole of humanity.” Maria Montessori Montessori cultural activities are some interesting learning. They...
Art in Montessori: Every Child is an Artist!
Fostering creativity won't just increase your child's chances of becoming the next Picasso. You're also helping him developmentally, socially, and emotionally. Art provides kids with critical sensory input and can help children express their feelings in a...
Music Education through Montessori: Every Child Has Music Potential
Observing how music connects to a child and how it moves them with coordination so easily, is wonderful! "Music has just as much to do with movement and body as it does soul and intellect." Esa-Pekka Salonen, Finnish Musician Making music out of everyday things....
How to implement Montessori education at home?
Maria Montessori says: " The life of the spirit prepares the dynamic power to daily life and on its side, daily life encourages thought by means of ordinary work." -The child in the family, page 31 Coronavirus can spread when people breathe, talk, cough, or sneeze. By...
出处: 从扁鹊三兄弟的故事或可类比出三种教育的境界。 《鶡冠子·卷下·世贤第十六》记载了扁鹊三兄弟的故事。 故事大体意思是这样的: 魏文王问扁鹊:你们兄弟三人谁的医术最厉害? 扁鹊说:我大哥医术最厉害,我二哥医术次之,我的医术最差。 魏文王问道:你为什么这么说?...
Freedom to Discover 发现孩子的新发现 – about Shadow Freedom to Discover:Shadow "I see your shadow! I want to step on your shadow! Shouted a girl pointing at my shadow. Her discovery awakens the quiet morning and her excitement brings joy to...
“父爱是沉默的,如果你能感觉得到那就不是父爱的。” ——冰心 一株茉莉也许没有沁人心脾的芳香,但它永远会让你感到清新,感到优雅。父爱就是这样,犹如茉莉一样静静地开放。无论你在何方,父亲那慈爱的眼睛定会伴随你一生。...
匈牙利Pikler教育方法集锦 文章取自花儿兜,整理得非常详尽,分享婴幼儿童的发展历程,与大家分享。...